Is the news always negative?

Every now and then, well actually more often than not, I turn the radio on in the car and listen to the news and the only stories making the headlines are negative ones.

It is common practice nowadays to hear about crimes, murders, police investigations, prison enquiries and so much more.

Whilst I appreciate that this needs to be shared, sometimes that is all that is shared.

You aren’t telling me that at any given time there is nothing else happening in the world, no other news stories to report on, or some uplifting pieces to share.

I am aware that the world we live in, is sadly one where crimes committed are a daily occurrence, and I am not naive to think this does not go on.  However, every now and then I would love to hear an uplifting story, or even something that was not crime related.

is it too much to ask to have some positivity in the news every now and then?

Whilst I do understand that there is so much going on in the world, from terrorism, wars, politics, religion and even poverty, and we definitely NEED to be hearing about these things, do we really need to be hearing constantly about all of the crimes that have been committed?  Plus that handful we hear about each day isn’t even half of what is going on here in the UK on a daily basis.

How nice has it been over the last few weeks to see the news dominated by people’s achievements at the Olympics, stories of people who have fought so hard to make it to the Olympics and even go on and win medals.  Stories of people beating the odds to represent Great Britain.

These are the stories children need to be hearing, they need to be encouraged and shown how hard work can pay off, whatever field they want to go into.

They need to be reminded that having an education (not necessarily going to university) but sticking school out is necessary.

They need to be reminded that getting into trouble at a young age isn’t cool, it is stupid.

They need to be reminded that bullying other class mates doesn’t make them big or clever, it makes them a horrible person.

Why can’t these olympic athletes be people that the children in our schools aspire to be? Why can’t the children working tirelessly to raise money for various causes be the role models for children today?

Is it possible to take the focus less off crime, and instead remind people what it means to be a decent human being?

There will always be crime (I know that) but let’s take the focus off that, share the news stories like we have to do so, but also infiltrate them with stories that inspire, encourage and motivate young people to live a life free from crime.

Let’s take the glamour out of committing crimes because it really is having a huge impact on the children of tomorrow, and I for one don’t like where this is leading.

Rebecca x


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