Why everyone needs to take some time out?

Time out is crucial, whether you are a student, parent, company owner, employee etc.

I am very conscious that I spend a considerable amount of time working, blogging and studying, and this is something I have done for many many years.  However, since running my own company it is so easy to get into the habit of working 24/7.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not moaning about that, I love my job and I love working and being able to work to my own schedule, but sometimes it takes over.

I am someone that finds it very hard to switch off, and stop working.  I am that girl that will respond to emails late at night sometimes and will get into a full blown conversation with clients, I am the girl that will be writing content for clients on a Saturday and Sunday – and once again, that is my choice and the reality of working and I am fine with that, and the geek inside me actually loves it.

I love my job, and I love what I do, and the ability to work when I like (which seems to be most of the time!).  I am also aware that this is the same for most people, whether they are employed or self-employed, it is just a matter of fact and whilst I am not complaining about working long hours (it was my choice, and it still is) it really is important to take some time out.

I have always been a hard worker and that won’t change, and whilst I am happy with my working patterns, I don’t mind working late nights and weekends, every once in a while it is great to switch off and have a proper weekend to yourself.  Not even a weekend, even just a day or an evening, where you can put the phone away, the laptop (or in my case my Mac), disable emails if you need to do so, and just be you.

Do the things you enjoy doing, catching up on boxsets, going out for dinner, having people over, have a duvet evening, run a bath, do nothing, – do whatever it is that makes you you, and make sure the focus is on you and not your work or job.

I am strong believer in taking some time out, and whilst I am not very good at doing that myself, whenever I do, I am always so much more productive for it.  It never impacts negatively on my work, and very often I come away with some new ideas as well!

It is far better to take 1 day, 1 evening or a weekend out a month, where you say no to work, you put everything work related to one side and just switch off.   So often you see people reach that burn out point, where they are over worked, stressed, unhappy, tired and that impacts on home life as well as work life.  Wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t let ourselves get to that point, where our bodies are forcing us to take a break?

Schedule in some time if you need to, where you can be you, do the things you love, and not feel guilty that you are not working!  I am going to be making a conscious effort to do this more often.

I will also be sharing some of my top tips and some of things I do to switch off so keep an eye out for that soon.

Rebecca x

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