Which is the best BPTC provider?

Here is a question I get asked all of the time.


Which BPTC provider should I go to? Which one has a higher success rate for passing? Which will get me a Pupillage quicker?


So I am a BPTC student, and I read the legal news as much as you guys do, and I would say that which BPTC provider you choose should be a personal decision – but ultimately they all do the same.  You all sit 3 centrally set exams by the BSB (Bar Standards Board) which means wherever you are studying every student on the BPTC will sit the same Crime, Civil and Professional Ethics exam.

BPP has a higher success rate for obtaining Pupillage (and especially their London cohort) – so that may be something to consider, but I wouldn’t necessarily only apply there for that reason.

Pick the provider you like the look of most, the one that will support you the best, give you the best shot of securing pupillage (if you don’t already have one!) and the one that you will feel most comfortable at.  You will be spending a lot of time there, and the course is intense and you need to pick the right provider – in the same way you picked your undergrad university.

Personally – I always knew I wanted to go to BPP (obviously it is handy knowing they have the best success rate for Pupillage) but that didn’t come into it, when I was applying.  I had known I wanted BPP since I started my law degree – but I also applied to the others, incase I didn’t get accepted.

Rebecca x

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