400 Posts Published!

Eek.. So Lawyer In The Making has reached the 400 post mark! Which is insane…

How time flies.. That obviously includes all of my original posts from my wordpress account before I created the brand that is now Lawyer In The Making (I am so glad I copied across all of that content!).

Thank you to everyone that keeps reading, keeps sharing and just generally engaging with my blog and me on social media platforms!

I really do appreciate all of your support, encouragement and questions!

I have a feeling that 2016 is going to be a good year, and I am very excited for June! I have something to show you in June that I was working very hard on last year, and it is was due to be shown to you in October last year, even though it was completed something delayed it, but you will see it in June (it has meant I have been making finishing touches to it the last few months, hopefully making it even better!).

Thank you once again!

Rebecca x

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