Please Support The Next Stage Of The #SeriouslyAwkward Campaign

Support the amazing work of The Children’s Society and their important campaign titled, Seriously Awkward.

As an ambassador I am asking all of you to get behind this campaign and help make a difference!

What stage is the campaign at?

The #SeriouslyAwkward campaign is now at the stage where the Government have introduced the Policing and Crime bill to Parliament. This Bill provides a crucial opportunity for them to make important changes to how 16 and 17 year olds are supported and protected.

What can you do to help?

Please let your MP know about our key asks and request they attend the Second Reading debate. Their attendance will help to highlight the issues faced by this group of highly vulnerable young people and show Government what a vitally important issue it is.

How can you help?

It is so easy to help, please click this link and fill in your details and ask your MP to speak up for exploited 16 and 17 year olds.

Seriously Awkward Campaign
Seriously Awkward Campaign

Thank you in advance!  Don’t forget to share on share this on social media and encourage as many people to fill in the form as well!

For more information and to stay up to date on what The Children’s Society is doing, some of their other campaigns, and to read more about the #SeriouslyAwkward Campaign and how to stop child sexual exploitation then head over to their website now.

Rebecca x

#SeriouslyAwkward Campaign

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