Diary of a Part Time BPTC Student – Part 22

So this week so far has been manic with work and it was just off the back of a BPTC weekend which was productive but also slightly annoying!  Plus I had to miss my little sister’s 13th Birthday which was on Sunday because I had BPTC classes.

On the Saturday of classes 4 of us went to the Middle Temple Qualifying Session Dinner, and it was  a lecture and dinner session!

The lecture was by Bernard Richmond QC and you can read more about Bernard on his Lamb Building Profile Page.

It was an interesting talk, very inspiring but also honest – in that he explained what I already knew regarding Pupillage being  a bit like roulette, and that you might have a great application but if the wrong person reads it then you aren’t successful that time.  He did say though to keep trying, persevere, be determined and you will get one eventually!  He also said to capture their attention in the first 30 seconds so they read your application properly.

Aside from that we had a busy Saturday and we swapped advocacy tutors and our new tutor was so good – gave us lots of useful hints and tips, not just on our presentation skills but the law! He also gave demonstrations and I felt it was really productive.  We only had one class on Sunday which was frustrating and even more frustrating that it was moved from 9:30 to 15:30.  But with the impending professional ethics exam, we decided to go through one of the past papers (as we had collected these on the Saturday – just so you know you are only provided two!).

Lots of revision will be taking place next week, and work because in true BPP style we are back to our normal 8 sessions weekend (which I don’t mind) but after Saturday and Sunday we then have our Professional Ethics exam, and on the BPTC weekend we have to submit two formative (fake) assessments – so it increases the pressure somewhat!

Especially when I wouldn’t want to be learning anything for the Professional Ethics exam, but definitely revising it a lot that weekend, seeing as it is the one most people fail first time, and it is pretty much a massive memory test!  *Wish me luck*

Rebecca x


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