Law Student/Law School Engagement – Survey

So I get so many messages from law students all over the UK (and abroad) asking me questions on studying law, but quite a lot of them allude to their not being enough engagement with their tutors or on their VLE’s in terms of skills, resources, news, updates etc. They even say that not enough happens on social media!

So I created a very quick survey – which will take you minutes to complete – and if you are a Law Student in the UK please complete it by clicking here.  If you could share it with your friends that would be great too!

Prior to creating this form I was already writing lots of posts on student engagement, and I try (and have tried the last 5 years) to share with you some information on legal events, current news, skills and tips etc.

I also have plans to create something quite exciting and develop Lawyer In The Making for you.

Thank you in advance!

Rebecca x

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