So I am sat writing this weeks #diaryofaptbptcstudent in Middle Temple library. I have had a few meetings this morning at various places on Fleet Street, and now I am just catching up on emails and a little bit of Professional Ethics work.
It is absolutely freezing in London at the moment, but I am sat by the window in Middle Temple and the sun is blaring in, and it is so hot here!
I had a very jam packed BPTC weekend last week, on Saturday we had our first and only civil advocacy brief, civil litigation, professional ethics and also opinion writing/drafting. We have done a few sessions of opinion writing but started drafting last weekend. After these 4 sessions we then had our first conference session (which was the one from December).
Sunday was professional ethics, criminal litigation, conference 2, drafting 2. It was a very tiring weekend, but luckily criminal finished early (like it always does, so we had a little longer at lunch to have a break).
I was pleasantly surprised with how conference has gone, our first brief was a crime one, and the second a civil. I really liked them both and luckily seem to be doing really well in the classes (according to my written feedback) – let’s hope this continues!
That was it in terms of Professional Ethics classes before the exam in March, I don’t feel like we have had many classes for Professional Ethics. We had 3 last year I think and then these two… and there are always the dreaded rumours about pass rates on the Professional Ethics module (which is set by the BSB).
I will speak to you next week!
Rebecca x