Week one of being self-employed..

So last week was my first official week of being self-employed and so many of you have asked me on twitter how it has gone, so I thought it would be easier to write a blog post summing everything up!

It was very different to how I imagined it going, I was really exceed about it but assumed it would take a few weeks to get some work in and sort bits and pieces out… I was quite wrong about that!

Work and enquiries have come in, and week one was very productive – I envisaged sending out a few emails and then mainly working on BPTC stuff – but clearly that wasn’t to happen.

I spent Thursday in London having some exciting meetings and spent the rest of the week discussing work with some very exciting companies that I would love to be doing work with (see my blog post about these meetings)!

I regularly called my mum and dad to tell them I had some work in – and to be able to do that last Monday (on technically day one of this new chapter) was extremely exciting!

I will keep you updated as the weeks and months hopefully go on but if you do know anyone looking for any assistance in legal content writing please do pass them my email: rebecca@lawyerinthemaking.co.uk

Rebecca x

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