Birkbeck Law Review – send in your submissions!

So the first issue of Volume 4 of the Birkbeck Law Review is on its way and that means they need submissions!

Your submission can be from any area of law. As part of the selection process, priority will be given to articles presenting a critical or interdisciplinary approach to legal questions.

The Editorial Board encourage submissions which are original and innovative, and those which provide some added value to on-going legal debates both in the UK and internationally.


Article selections will be made by the Editorial Board through a double-blind review process based on  the:

  • clarity;
  • accuracy;
  • originality; and
  • academic merits of each piece.

They encourage submissions from students, scholars and practitioners in all legal disciplines. 

Key Dates: 

Deadline for Submissions: 18 January 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 8 February 2016
Date of Publication: April 2016

Submissions Criteria:

What is acceptable material for submission: articles, book reviews, case studies and commentaries.

All articles submitted should be between 4,000 and 10,000 words (book reviews and commentaries should be between 3,000 and 5,000) and must be submitted online through our electronic submissions system at Documents must only include identifying information on the cover page.

Check out the website here for more information on submissions!

Good luck and please do try and submit something – it is great to see so many university law reviews popping up and not only is it a useful skill for you (to be able to write academically and concisely) but it looks good on your CV!

Rebecca x

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