Christmas Law Books

So I got lots of very nice non-lawyery presents this Christmas but I did also get some books I wanted from Amazon and thought I would share them with you.  But first here is a nice picture of some of my non-law related presents just to prove I am not a complete law geek!


I will upload a picture of each book and a link to it on Amazon in case you are interested in purchasing it!

How to Moot by John Snape and Gary Watt

I have done a lot of mooting whilst at University and also coached a few teams, and I have a moot coming up with Middle Temple over the next few months, but I thought it would be good to actually read a book on it – and see if there was anything I didn’t know or could share with all of you!  Buy it here


First Steps In The Law by Geoffrey Rivlin

The reason that I wanted this book was because I had heard good reviews and whilst I have completed my law degree I try and help as many of you as I can, plus I love a good book to read.  This book is interesting because it is packed full of real-life cases, explanations of how the legal system works and lots more! Buy it here Plus the author is someone that I look up to a lot because he spends time assisting young advocates in their training, as well as newly appointed judges.


Speeches That Changed The World by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Whilst on the Middle Temple Advocacy Weekend it was recommended to our little group that we should read some of the Worlds Greatest Speeches and so I thought I really ought to buy a book, and I was surprised I hadn’t thought of doing that before.  This book had the best reviews and contains a whole mix of speeches from Vladimir Putin to Malala Yousafzai.  Not only is it worthwhile having an understanding of history and the speeches themselves but it is good to see how things are worded and presented – and hopefully making us better advocates.  You can buy it here plus the book looks like a really nice book aesthetically and definitely one for the book case.


Learning Legal Rules – James Holland and Julian Webb

I wanted to read this book because it talks about legal reasoning, theory and structure and it considers methods for good legal analysis and forming legal arguments.  Apparently this book has been used for over twenty years in common law countries around the world, and if that isn’t reason enough to read this book (regardless of whatever stage you are at of your legal career) then I don’t know what is!  You can buy it here


The Golden Rules of Advocacy by Keith Evans

I added this to my Amazon Christmas List because I have wanted to read this for years and just kept forgetting to purchase it!  This book has been going for over 40 years and so I think it warrants the title Golden Rules of Advocacy, and Keith Evans was a member of both the English and California Bar and head of a London Chambers – so I think anything he has to share in this book will be invaluable.  You can buy it here


The End Of Lawyers? by Richard Susskind

This book was on the list because last year I read Tomorrow’s Lawyers by Richard Susskind and absolutely loved the book, the content, the way it read, (the book is such a good read and I would highly recommend it), you can Tomorrow’s Lawyers here.  So when I saw this book I knew I had to read it.  This book, considers the consequences for the legal profession, in relation to outsourcing, information technology and more.  You can buy it here.


So there you have it, the round up of my legal books from Christmas.  I will be reading some of them as and when I get a moment (studying the BPTC takes up a lot of time) but I will try and get some reviews up asap!  And don’t forget to head on over and purchase any that you think are of use, they all have great reviews!

Rebecca x

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