Diary of a Part Time BPTC Student – Part 14

So what have I done this last week… Lots of preparation for my final BPTC weekend before Christmas and the New Year.  I have my first BPTC exam in January, it is REDOC, and it seems to be coming around very very quickly!

I attended BPP on Saturday and Sunday this weekend for a jam packed weekend of classes, which included me conducting my first conference (well it should have, but our teacher didn’t turn up, so we sat in the back of another small group – and have been assured we will get to do our one next month), I had two criminal classes, one civil, a REDOC session, an advocacy feedback session and also opinion writing.

Prior to this I had only had one introductory session to conference, and the session was quite helpful but it was quite a daunting prospect as no one really knew what to properly, or the style to use, even if we had sat in on “real life” conferences before!

My advocacy session, was my first solo feedback session.  As you will have seen from previous #diaryofaptbptcstudent you will know that my advocacy sessions get recorded, and I am in a group of 4 for these.  On this particular session I was on my own, and I first established 3 things that I would like to be known for in terms of my advocacy skills and then we firstly watched my performance without audio, and then listened to it without watching it! It was a weird experience, but very very beneficial.

The Middle Temple Christmas Ball/Dinner was on on Saturday evening  but because I work all week and had University I decided it was best not to attend despite really wanting to go.

I have some exciting things to look forward to this week, I am attending my first #LDNmeetup event, it is a group of Bloggers in London, and they are off to Winter Wonderland and so I am going to that, and on Friday it is my work’s Christmas Party.

The next few weeks will be spent revising for my exam, prepping for January classes as I will have two conferences to prep for, and my first civil advocacy session, and I also need to support a mock Opinion Writing paper!

Rebecca x


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