Bar Council Blog Post

So whilst I was at the Annual Bar Conference a few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to receive a tweet from the Bar Council who asked for my email as they had an idea to run by me.  They wanted me to write a guest post for them – and after a few discussions over the last few weeks and me sending across ideas we settled on a post about the Annual Bar Conference and why it is beneficial for students to attend.  

The Bar Council’s website is:

That blog post went out today on their blog so please do head on over and check it out here:’s-eye-view-of-the-annual-bar-conference/

I am currently on the front page of the Bar Council website which is slightly surreal and it feels very weird to have been given this opportunity especially when you see the list of other guest bloggers.

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Here is a photo of where my article can be found once it isn’t on the front page any more (or you can use the link above)

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Do let me know what you think of my post – and if you are student please do consider attending next year.

I am in talks with them about writing again very soon so please keep an eye out for subsequent Bar Council posts.

Rebecca x

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