Diary of a part time BPTC student… Part 7

So this week has been one of my quieter weeks.

I had Grand Day at Middle Temple last Thursday and it was such a brilliant evening.  It was Black Tie (and luckily for us girls this time, it was cocktail style dresses (no bare shoulders) rather than full length gowns).  I had a great evening, there was a lecture to start which was on Professional Ethics (and considered a few of the Codes) which was a great refresher for exams next year, and it is always nice to hear people talk about their own experiences.  Then there was a drinks reception (with proper Champagne) followed by a lovely 3 course meal, and then fruit and cheese and biscuits to follow.  There was even an instrumental piece.  After that we all got to mingle with the Benchers and other members of MT in the chambers.

I am looking forward to heading to the Path to Pupillage event tomorrow night (I will have a blog post going up about it first thing tomorrow).  It is being held at City Law School and two people will be talking about the best ways to fill in your Pupillage Gateway form etc.  I will share some useful tips afterwards!

Lots of studying and lectures have been watched, and lots more preparation still to do!

See you next Wednesday!

Rebecca x


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