Blognix Retreat – I am going, are you?

So after chatting to various people at Blogstock back in September and then speaking with Elizabeth Sellers on twitter (@rosalilium) and checking out her blog  , I was excited to come across Blognix and the great resources online ( 

But it got one better when I saw that the Blognix Retreat was returning next year.  So I have been keeping an eye on the emails coming through over the last few weeks, and today tickets were released and I signed up!

So next February I am heading to the #blognixretreat – a 2 day blogger event held at a rather nice hotel in Northamptonshire, for a weekend of blogging guidance, inspiration and a nice catch up with bloggers!  As you know this year, I attended Blogstock and this was the first blogger type event that I have attended.  I love meeting and chatting to other bloggers, and a large proportion of these are beauty, travel and lifestyle bloggers, but I can still learn a lot from them, and also see what trends are happening, as well as top tips for blog improvement and development! (Plus I also love reading a lot of their content).

I will keep you posted on the #BlognixRetreat over the coming months, and expect a blogpost next year after it!   If you are a blogger, even one with a niche, such as mine, do check it out!


I can’t wait to meet lots of bloggers, learn a lot, and also check out the spa and go bowling!

Rebecca x


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