Diary of a part time BPTC student… Part 6

This week has been an interesting one.

It was meant to be my second study week at BPP this weekend but as you will have seen from some of my other posts I had booked to attend the Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference on Saturday 17th October so I went along to that.

It was a brilliant day and I got to spend the day with my friend Sam who I hadn’t seen in over a year which was really nice! We made the most of picking up the free chocolates, and also I collected lots of free pens (in the name of market research).  The talks were amazing and a blog post will be following shortly when I have some time to put all my thoughts together on it and look over my notes.

On Sunday I then headed back to BPP for classes, it was a really good day, and whilst I never went to study the BPTC to make friends, out little group is lovely and it is always nice catching up with the girls!  I missed my first advocacy class on Saturday and you have your performance and feedback recorded so I am going to try and get that sorted over the coming weeks.

For those of you that don’t know how it works, your main class group is split into a group of 4, and that becomes your advocacy group.  You each do your various applications and receive individual feedback and your preference and feedback is handed to you on a memory stick for you to review in your own time and with tutors at various stages of the course.  Your USB stick only contains your performance and your feedback (not anyone else’s).

These weekends seem to come around very fast and I am glad that we have a little whatsapp group set up where we can talk about studying and how tired everyone seems to be, and how quickly the next study weekend is approaching! Studying the BPTC is amazing and I am loving every minute of it but it is also so tiring when you work and all the extra curricular commitments you have to do.

I have already started to consolidate my notes made on sunday, and will try and go over my saturday notes with someone.  Then it will be on to preparing for the next study weekend in November!

Rebecca x


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