New blog email system

So if you are an email subscriber to my blog you may have noticed something different this week.

Instead of receiving an email every time I post something on here, you should have received an email on Monday which includes all the links to the blog posts from the week before – that way I don’t spam your emails too much and you can choose to read which ever posts you like!

The email currently goes out on a Monday at 9am but this may get tweaked over the coming weeks/months as I work out good times to send these.  You can check out last Monday’s email here: and if you don’t subscribe already please feel free to subscribe.

Here is a quick look at the email:

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There is also some information about me (which needs tweaking slightly as it is a tad out of date!), and a link to my YouTube video which you can click here to see:

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And finally, the share and subscribe buttons – please use these if you see posts you like and want to share, or feel free to get other people to subscribe if you feel they might be interested in my posts.

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You can share the link to my weekly email directly on to social media – like i just did above (and it does not link to your email or anything – it opens a website page with all of the email content on) and that way I can reach out to more people interested in law!

Let me know your thoughts on this new change.

Rebecca x

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Entered: UK Blog Awards 2016