Diary of a part time BPTC student… Part 3

Safe to say I have been knackered this week and many of you who know me well or follow me on Twitter will know how that (particularly by how quiet I have been in general and on social media!).  

I am pretty much up to date in terms of consolidating my notes from the weekend, and have started prepping for next months sessions (where we have a lot more classes – not just REDOC and Professional Ethics).  We have our first advocacy session on the 17th October and I have spent some time this week preparing my Plea in Mitigation – this is an important one because apparently it is quite often asked in Pupillage Interviews (and I have heard that from students – not just tutors).
This week has also been a week of good news though… As I have some interesting advocacy sessions coming up as well as various pro bono activities I am doing which I will share with you all in a separate blog post.  
Rebecca x

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