Post Cards – Pearson Event

Last year you may remember that I headed off to the Pearson/Law Express Revision Day in London.  You can read all about my day at the event here

To summarise it is where a few academics come and talk about revision tips, how to answer essay and problem questions.  It was a brilliant day out last year and I was so glad I could attend.  As you know Pearson are behind the genius books that are the Law Express guides and Law Express Q&A books which I know many students find invaluable as a basic tool to understanding topics, and something that can then be built on with more substantial text books.

Unfortunately this year I could not attend the event due to work, but my post cards were sent to Pearson to be included on the day, and they will get used at any future events they run.

I honestly can’t believe that Pearson are getting behind my blog and kindly giving out my post cards with my website details on.  I am very very grateful!

Rebecca x

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