Wildy Book Store – Blog Link

So you may remember a few weeks back I uploaded a post saying how Wildy Book Store had added a section to the back of their PDF and printed monthly newsletter (you can check it out here: http://wp.me/p4pPCf-jp)

Well I thought I would share with you the link to their latest newsletter (the first one my blog has featured in) as well as a quick screenshot of it – as I want to remember this, as I am the first blog to feature in their newsletter!

It is called Wildy Book News and you can check it out here http://www.wildy.com/system/pdfs/146/original/July_2015.pdf?1435929528

Here is a quick screen shot of my blog being featured:

Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 00.47.48

Their newsletter contains all sorts of information: new books, info on books, some of the events they have been too, as well as various adverts at the back.

So do check it out and also check out their website in general.  I will be heading to both book stores very soon to take some photos and I will let you all know when this happens.

I am very grateful to them for sharing my blog with people that read the newsletter and also anyone that checks out the newsletter if they go onto the website.

Rebecca x

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