2015 Pursuit of Justice Awards – America

Today is extremely exciting!

Here is some background: I was writing a blog post a while back on the California Women’s Law  Center which I had planned to go live whilst in the U.S. (as I randomly found out about them, thought they were amazing and wanted to share with all of you!).  I then got chatting with the people at CWLC and we decided to meet up when I was in LA.  However a week before I flew out I received an invite from them to attend the Awards Ceremony at The Millenium Biltmore Hotel as their guest!

Tickets for this event aren’t cheap and I am very grateful that they have kindly invited me along and not only do I get to chat to them afterwards about CWLC but I get to experience a daytime law awards event which should be extremely interesting!

I have pushed back my initial post on CWLC but will also write another one after I have chatted with rhem a bit, as well as tell you all about the awards!

Rebecca x

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