Meet the Sage One Street Team

So as you know I am off to the Thinking Digital Conference 2015 as part of the Sage One Street Team, and I thought I would use this blog post to introduce you to the people on the team with me (and who I get to meet tomorrow!):

Katie @KatieJaneOnline and she writes a British Lifestyle Blog which you can check out here:

Helen @wittyhoots and she writes a family/lifestyle related blog and the link is:

Rachel Charlton Dailey @RachelCDailey and she blogs about health, life, business and lots more, check out her blog here:

Liz Hardy @PlaysWith_Words who has a blog/website on Copywriting, Proof-reading & Editing – link to it is here:

Hannah Layford @HannahLayford who blogs about fashion and lifestyle and her link is:

Jason Bell @jasonpbell

Lauren Archer @miss_archer who blogs about food on

Mandy Charlton @MandyCharlton who is a travel and lifestyle blogger, her blog is

See Newcastle @SeeNewcastleUK and the blog about Newcastle over at

I am so excited to be attending the conference tomorrow  in the meantime feel free to check out the info here and also check out the blogs above!

Rebecca x


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Update (Sunday 4th October 2015)