Blog post series

Many of you will sit and watch the news or read the newspapers and shriek at the laxity of the English Legal System, whether that be criminal or civil focused. Every day we are faced with countless articles which somehow relate back to law and very often the solution seems so unjust.

Being a law student, I have for the last 5 or so years started to see the news on two sides; one in which I perceive the law to be unjust, unfair and often very unreliable and unreasonable, but one also where I understand the concept behind the law, the doctrine and precedent, as well as the application of law on any given situation.

This is what sparked off my notion to write a series of blog posts; I was sat reading an article on the potential creation of Clare’s Law as well as the current news articles on Assisted Suicide. Throughout reading the articles my mind was battling two opposing opinions and so this series of posts endeavours to address topical news articles and develop the legal complexity of them. In order to give you a better understanding of the law which is shaping these decisions and potentially challenge your perception of the English Legal System.

As very often I have to put my own morals and direct opinions aside, and think “like a lawyer” and apply the law as it stands, and by hopefully explaining that through a series of posts, it may get some of you that aren’t studying or practising law to see things from a slightly different perspective.

Rebecca x


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