Book Reviews

Over the last few weeks I have been busy writing two book reviews for you.. and hope to do some more in the future!

Whilst I discuss textbooks with other students at Uni, I haven’t actually written a proper book review since the days of primary school.. So before I set out on writing these reviews I decided that in my review I would be honest, provide constructive criticism (if necessary) and highlight some of the most usual aspects for students!

The two books I will be posting reviews for are:

Legal Systems & Skills by Scott Slorach, Judith Embley, Peter Goodchild and Catherine Shephard

Employability Skills for Law Students by Emily Finch and Stefan Fafinski

I really enjoyed writing these reviews, and hope that they are of some benefit to you!  Let me know what you think of my reviews or if you have read them, what comments you have!

Also let me know if there are any books you would like me to review.. I seem to be building up quite a mini law library at home, and if I can help you out in any way let me know, especially when it comes to deciding which books to buy.. as some of them definitely aren’t cheap.

rebecca x

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