End of 2013

I thought I would take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful 2014 and to say a massive thank you for all of your support over the last year!

Thank you to everyone that has read my blog, followed me and retweeted my posts, I am so grateful and thankful.

So as 2014 is nearly here, I thought I would set myself a bit of a writing challenge (but one I know I will enjoy)…

For the whole of January I will be writing a daily blog post, and for all of you who follow twitter I will be using the #janlawblogpost – so if you happen to see my posts and want to retweet them, please do!

This is an opportunity for me to write more regularly and keep you all up to date on what I am up to, as well as some legal news.

Due to work and other commitments I cannot state what time of the day posts will be going up, but it will most likely be in the evening.

I really hope you all have a wonderful New Year, and hope you enjoy my January blog posts!

Thank you once again!

rebecca x

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