

I hope you all have had a good week! I had hoped to post at least one blog a week however that has failed recently due to lots of coursework and other things going on at the moment, but I have been writing a lot so will get these uploaded as soon as possible.

These posts are on articles/cases I have seen which have been of interest and they include:

– Some ‘problems’ with jury trials

– Women making it to the top!

– Court rulings on YouTube

– Legal Apprenticeships and whether the Bar and the Pupillage still hold the same meaning today

– A weird case on being dismissed for being too attractive in the work place.

I hope you enjoy these posts over the next few days/weeks.

Last week I was fortunate to find out my first placement for my New York Work Experience programme and I am really looking forward to starting this soon! It is going to be a bit of an adventure and definite learning curve but from the comfort of my own home (though I would not say no to a trip to the Big Apple!)

I have also been hearing from quite a lot of law students and potential law students who want some advice etc.. so please do get in touch if you want any more information or if you have any ideas for general blog posts.

Last night I organised the first Law event for Herts Entrepreneurs at University. Despite being ridiculously worried that no one would show up, we had 70 people arrive and cram into a room! (We even beat the sign up number and had to send people out for more chairs). If you are reading this and came along, thank you so much. I hope you had a great evening and learnt a lot. I thought Dan was brilliant in what he had to say as well as the way he spoke with us. (I will be doing a blog post on some of his tips over the next few weeks so stay tuned). For those of you not there, Dan did a session on How to Get A First in Law, and some of the tips he gave would be applicable to many subjects as well as general day to day work.

I will be uploading more blogs posts soon, so I apologise in advice if your email box sees my name appear in it a lot of the next few weeks, I will be making up for not posting so much recently!

Take care and have a great weekend.

rebecca x


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