Royal Courts of Justice – Art

Now you might remember that a few months ago I shared with you the amazing RCJ jug that I have at home, so it only seemed fitting to share with you another piece of RCJ art that truly makes my room feel like home.

RCJ Stamp Art

The incredible Ruben James created this piece for me, of UK stamps, and managed rather spectacular to get them in my brand colours (yes, that is purple and pale green!). 

This piece of art is always above or opposite my bed and I couldn’t love it any more if I tried.  I will share some photos of it in situ another time.

To me it is just spectacular as a work of art, but it also means more than that – it highlights one of my favourite buildings in one of my favourite cities but also my dreams and aspirations. 

Ruben has the most amazing collection of works, so please do check him out – and he also does commissions, just like this. His world maps and country settings are stunning, he even finds super rare or unusual country focused stamps too!  I have a Ruben James commission wish list for the future. 

If you needed any more reason to check him out, his talented sister is a Barrister – so when I suggested this piece to him, he was more than happy to accommodate and his sister even delivered it to me as she had been working the RCJ Justices at the time before starting pupillage!

Rebecca x

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