Lawyer In The Making is going to the National Justice Museum

I am going to the National Justice Museum next week. Excited is an understatement.  It is no secret that I am a massive law geek and whilst I love sunny holidays and also city breaks. I also love going to crime and justice related places.  That include museums, castles, prisons etc.

Whenever I go on business trips I always try and find something law related to go and see or do.  I even managed to do that when I went to California for 3 weeks on a sight seeing type holiday.

I have an ever-growing list of crime and law related places I want to visit, both here in the UK and abroad.

National Justice museum

So on Monday I will be in Nottingham, and I am heading to the National Justice Museum.  It has been on the list of places to visit for a while, as I have heard great reviews.

The weather isn’t meant to be amazing Monday/Tuesday in Nottingham, so it will be good to kill a few hours.

Plus I have heard that the pub/bar in a church is next door so that is always handy.

What is at the National Justice Museum?

So what is at the National Justice Museum? A series of cells to check out, various methods of punishment and lots of history (as well as more modern topics).

Our impressive collection is made up of over 40 000 objects and archives. It is the UK’s largest collection relating to  to law, justice, crime and punishment.

I am really looking forward to checking out some of the Great Train Robbery evidence as well as the dock from Bow Street Magistrates Court, which was used in notorious cases such as the trials of Oscar Wilde, Roger Casement and the Krays

I am going to keep this blog post short and then fill you in on my thoughts once I have visited.

Have you visited the national justice musuem? let me know on social media!

Rebecca x


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