Are you coming to the Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference 2016?

I am so excited to be heading back to the Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference 2016 in a few weeks time.  I had a great time last year, the sessions were really good, the exhibition was great and I got to meet some old friends and make some new ones.


Saturday 15th October 2016 at the Westminster Park Plaza, London.


There were early bird prices for quite some time but I am not sure if they still apply.  They might possibly still apply for students but not lawyers.  Check this out online though. (Click the image below to be taken straight to the page for all the necessary information).

So, are you coming to the Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference?

If you haven’t booked a ticket yet or are considering whether you should attend then maybe check out some of my old blog posts about it from last year.

I met with lots of barristers and pupils whilst at the conference, and had some amazing conversations – so I definitely recommend it to barristers.

I would highly recommend students attending (whether you are LLB, GDL, LLM, BPTC), I personally had a great day, and I attended the sessions most suited to me, and they weren’t all the Young Bar related ones.

Click on the link below to be taken to the page where you can find costs and more information, including the sessions that are running.

Bar Council Annual Bar Conference

I am going to be tweeting all of my conference notes and general engagement tweets during the day (I don’t make notes any more at conferences I just tweet them all), so I am sorry if you get a bombardment of tweets from me on the 15th October.

If you are attending drop me a tweet, my twitter is @lawyer_inmaking (You can follow me by clicking here) and we can say hi etc.

I am really excited to be attending the Annual Bar Conference and Young Bar Conference and really hope it is going to be as good as last year was!

Rebecca x

*  Note this is not a sponsored post!

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Update November 2015