Register To Vote – extended

So the other day you may have read my post about the deadline for registering to enable you to vote in the EU referendum  – well the deadline has to register to vote has been extended as the systems crashed last night leaving lots of people unable to register!

They have announced that they will be extending the deadline until Thursday 9th June at midnight, which gives you two days to register if you haven’t already done so.   I will be uploading a reminder post again tomorrow – just in case you forget to do so today!

You can read the article written by the BBC on all the events which unfolded yesterday evening when the Gov website crashed here.

Register To Vote Extended - Website Down (taken from the BBC Article)
Register To Vote Extended – Website Down (taken from the BBC Article)

For more information on how to register to vote read my previous blog post here which explains how you can register and what you need to do and have with you.

Please do make sure that you register to vote (if you are eligible to do so), it is important that as many of you as possible have your say, as the decisions will impact

Rebecca x

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