Lawyer In The Making |Question and Answer Video

So right now my professionally filmed Lawyer In The Making Question and Answer video has just gone live on YouTube!

I can’t believe it is up there and you can click here to watch it!

Lawyer In The Making Question and Answer Video
Lawyer In The Making Question and Answer Video

I have a proper blog post that I wrote ages ago when I was in Manchester all about the day – but I couldn’t share it with you, as I wanted to keep this as a surprise (plus I have one other big surprise later this year!) until it was ready to go live – so that blog post will be published next week!


Here is my first proper video (filmed by Marc from Coolbox with help from Tim from We Are Mogul (

The video was filmed back in November in Manchester, it was a great day out and I managed to answer some of my most asked questions as well as some from twitter!

It feels very strange having this video up, and this is going to be the start of a lot more film content from me, but please be nice if you leave a comment. I was very self conscious watching it back, and very over critical (so lots of the bits of me working on my laptop etc. have stayed in as other people liked them!). It is very strange watching yourself back but something I will definitely get used to – I hope!

I hope you like the video, give it a like, and do subscribe as I have a series of vlogs coming soon!

Let me know what you think, and I hope you like it, find it useful, and enjoy seeing some of my vlogs during 2016!  Do hit the subscribe button as well!

Are there any questions you want me to answer?  I get sent a lot of questions which I regularly share the answers to on here.

Rebecca x

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