Business Card swapped in San Fran!

So on the first full day I had in San Francisco I was quite early for my Pier 33 Alcatraz Tour so I walked down to Pier 39 which is full of little seaside shops and restaurants.

I walked into one shop, Stone flower, just because it looked amazing pretty and the girl and I got speaking as she had an Irish accent and she knew I wasn’t from the U.S.

After a while she explained that she had just finished her law degree in Ireland and lots of Irish university students were over in America working for the summer as they were able to get cheap visas.

Emma, is training to be  a solicitor from September and she explained the Irish process.

She explained that she had heard that coming to England was meant to be a lot easier – and I said that it is extremely competitive in the UK.

I mentioned my blog and that I work in London etc and she took a business card so she can keep in touch and check out what is happening in England.

Such a surreal experience as then I went off to my Alcatraz day trip.

Rebecca x

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