Law Career Event at Hertfordshire University

On the 23rd April I was asked to go along to my Uni to talk to some prospective students about the various ways to stand out in the legal world, top tips, work experience ideas, extra-curricular activities etc.

I was invited by one of my tutors, and he asked me to talk a bit about my Blog in particular and also how I had turned down training contracts, but also some of the things I have got involved in and any tips I had.

It was really enjoyable and there were two other people talking as well as my tutor, and the students were really engaging, and there were lots of questions at the end!

I was quite anxious before hand, and then suddenly the nerves went which was really good!

I had a brilliant time, and I was even able to leave my post cards for my blog on the tables for students to pick up! I was even able to send them out a message via the uni after as well, letting them know they can email me if they have any further questions – which was nice!

I have had a few messages from prospective law students who attended the event (some which are definitely going to Herts, others undecided) and I really do love hearing from you all!

So I just want to say a massive thank you for inviting me along (plus they also gave us a £20 Amazon Gift Card after the talk, which was a complete surprise . I definitely  didn’t expect it and would have come and talked to the students for nothing!).

It was the first time I was able to properly speak about my blog to students and I had some really good feedback!

It is really nice to talk about studying law, some tips and tricks and general advice, as it really makes you feel like you are making a difference and encouraging students in their career!

Rebecca x

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