BPTC Course Providers

This time last year Kaplan decided to stop being a BPTC provider, and whilst many people do argue that too many people are allowed to study the BPTC with too few Pupillage spaces afterwards, if it is something you have always wanted to do, you are going to study the BPTC and try and secure a Pupillage.

Some people assumed that with Kaplan no longer being a provider that other providers may limit their courses, or the destinations in the UK that provide the BPTC as an option, but it seems that the complete opposite has happened.

BPP have London, Manchester and Leeds, and from September will be offering the BPTC in Birmingham, showing that it is “economically viable”, the reason why Kaplan had to stop running the BPTC.

This week saw the University of Law (formally College of Law) launch the BPTC in Leeds and Manchester.

So is it economically viable to run these, well it seems so, and the cost is fairly high especially in London but worth it if it is what you want to do.  There are concerns though that people are paying out all this money and without the chance of securing a Pupillage, but as many students say they can gain work experience and also better paid jobs with the higher qualification and hope that one day they will get a Pupillage!

Feel free to check out this article with various charts and statistics from Lawyer2B:  http://l2b.thelawyer.com/barrister/ulaw-to-offer-bptc-in-leeds-and-manchester/3034638.article

Let me know your thoughts, and also where you plan to study the BPTC (or any law courses, undergrad or postgrad).

Rebecca x


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