Where it all started…

I have always wanted to be a barrister, ever since I was in primary school.  However I had one super exciting day out in London a few years after that.

The very first time I stepped foot inside the Royal Courts of Justice was when I was around 12 years old and my dad had taken me to London for the day to have a walk around the Inns of Court. We visited all four of them but  we spent most of our time walking around Middle and Inner Temple and I remember how helpful people were when they walked by us, asking if we needed to know where anywhere was etc.. Not only that but earlier on that day we had also been to see where the Old Bailey was and saw lots of press waiting outside.

We then went to the RCJ and whilst walking down the corridors I remember loving the hustle and bustle of Barristers in wigs and gowns sat outside court rooms waiting to go in, and prisoners walking down the corridors handcuffed to police men. This was really my first insight into being a Barrister and one that I will never forget. I even plucked up the courage to talk to a Barrister (as my dad thought it was better that I spoke rather than him) and after him explaining the case to us he gave me his contact details and told me to contact him when I was older to arrange a Mini Pupillage.  In 2012 I saw him again and shadowed him for a week!

After going inside the RCJ my dad took me across the road to a very old fashioned looking law bookshop, and inside the old man recommended that I should read Glanville William’s Learning The Law, as he said it was “the bible for all aspiring law students”. My dad bought that book for me and I remember reading it on the way home – and it still has a place on my bookcase at home today.

It is strange to think that even though that was over 10 years ago now my dream of being a Barrister has not gone, and now I am able to say that I have attended conferences and talks inside some of the buildings in the Inns, sat amongst Barristers in court, spoken to a judge after a case at the RCOJ and undertaken a number of Mini Pupillages which have had me sat in the buildings I used to look at and dream of working inside.

I remember all those years ago seeing everyone walking around with their wheelable briefcases and wanting that to be me one day… and even though so far that has only happened on Mini Pupillages hopefully one day that will be me as a qualified Barrister.

I may still have 18 months left of my degree but that time will fly by and then I can hopefully start the BPTC, I am excited already!

rebecca x


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