May Update


So I apologize for being extremely quiet the last few months, but I have been very busy with University and also my New York Work Experience which is sadly coming to a close. 

As soon as my coursework has been submitted to complete the programme I will be able to tell you all about the different tasks I have completed!

I have two more things to share, the first is that I have done a tiny piece of work for a Law Textbook which is in the process of being published. As soon as I have more information to share on this I will. This was a great achievement and something I am very proud of, and hope to do more work like this in the future. The second, is that the company I have been writing a few law articles for have asked me to write some more for them over the Summer period, and as and when these get published on line I will post them on here.

This week has been quite an interesting week in terms of news and legal debates and I hope to get a few blog posts out about some of these. These include:

– Should those that kill police officers be made to spend life in prison – and does that mean that a police officer’s life is “worth” more than that of any one else? Theresa May, the Home Secretary has been talking about this, and says that the current starting point for anyone killing a police officer in duty is 30 years, but she believes life should mean life when we consider that police officers are there to regulate society and keep us safe from criminals.

– Lord Falconer has brought to the forefront the Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide debate, which has always been a very topical and controversial area of law. This proposed Bill seeks to legalise assisted suicide for the terminally ill in England and Wales. However a topic like this, is always bound to come up against great opposition and some believe that it could put a lot of pressure on vulnerable people who feel they are a burden to others.

– With the news being released that a Bedfordshire town has armed Police Officers patrolling play grounds and gang territories in order to reduce the number of shootings in recent months as well as reassure community members that they are safe and things are being done to combat this, it does have to raise some questions over society and the role of the police. Some questions being asked on the internet about this include; how effective is the use of armed police officers in deterring gangs? are the police the enemy now? are gangs not fearful of police anymore? do police officers have any real power? Is there too much paper work? Growing up were you always told that the police were good and safe?

I hope to get some more posts up this week and next, and will be writing regularly again. If you have anything you want me to look into, give my opinion on, or see an interesting news/legal article, do drop me a message!

rebecca x

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